

The goal of this assignment is to learn how Firebase provides authentication via sign in with Google, Twitter and other common sites. It also provides access to the database. You can give individual users access to all or portions of your site once you allow them to sign in. Users stay logged in once they are logged in, so long as you don’t clear the local store. You are also provide with minimal information about the user who is logged in.

There are two parts to the assignment:

  • Learn to log in
  • Learn to run certain functions only when the user is logged in.

Do your work in FirebaseAddressMaven.


I need to have permissions to run your projects with firebase serve.  Here is the page that explains the simple steps to add me as an Editor:

Please add the same address you use to contact me on hangouts and make me an Editor on your project.


Use the ElfExpressSignIn sample program as a guide when working through this assignment:

cd $JSOBJECTS/JavaScript/Firebase/ElfExpressSignIn

It strips out everything from an Express app except the features needed to sign-in with Firebase

This video is by Firebase, and provides an high level overview of the authentication technology:

Firebase Quickstarts: https://github.com/firebase/quickstart-js. For instance, here is there quickstart for Google popup signin

Get Login Files

For now, don’t do this. Copy the files from ElfExpressSignIn instead.

Run our JsObjects based get-gist from the root of your project. Chose Elf Firebase from the menu. This should copy

  • elf-firebase.js in your source directory and elf-sign-in.html to your public directory.
  • FirebaseLogout.js to your source directory.

NOTE: I recently renamed the file that was called FirebaseLogin.js to FirebaseLogout.js. It was originally badly misnamed, and hopefully this name is at least a bit better.

with Google Configuration

Go to the console and select the AddressMaven-lastname application. If it does not exist, follow the steps you used to create a project found in the Firebase Starter assignment. Call your new project AddressMaven-lastname, where lastname is you lastname:

Choose **Authentication Sign-in Method** and enable Google as a Sign in Provider. If you get a restricted client error when you try to login be sure to set the Support email address. On the error page there is a button that might help you fix the problem.
Go to the main page for your app in the console, and choose the **Settings Gear Project Settings. If you have already done this step, you will see the configuration code and the place to set the Support email address. Otherwise, select the web icon near the bottom on the right. A dialog will pop up and prompt you for a nickname. Copy the code you see and save it over the default **firebaseConfig code found near the top public/elf-firebase.js and in the midst of elf-sign-in.html.
NOTE: _On the **Settings Gear Project Settings** page, make sure that **Public Settings Support email** is set._

It will look a bit like this:

<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/6.0.1/firebase-app.js"></script>
  // Initialize Firebase
    const config = {
        apiKey: "YOUR KEY",
        authDomain: "YOUR DOMAIN",
        databaseURL: "YOUR URL",
        projectId: "YOUR ID",
        storageBucket: "YOUR BUCKET",
        messagingSenderId: "YOUR ID",
        appId: "YOUR ID"

Just replace the config object literal shown above with the code you found in the Firebase Console.

NOTE: This config information will be public. In order to provide security for your application, you need to lock down your application with rules you configure in the Firebase Console. This involves both white-listing your domain, and setting up database rules. We will not be too strict, as I want to be able to test your code by running it on my system. This means we should include localhost in our white-list.

If you get stuck, or want to know more, go to this page:

The subject of signing in and databases are frequently linked, as often you want to authenticate a user before giving them access to a database. We will approach the whole subject of databases in FirebaseData.html or some similar assignment.

Integrate elf-firebase

Near the top of control.js:

import {FirebaseLogout} from './FirebaseLogout';
import { initApp } from "./elf-firebase";    

In the window.load part of control.js paste in this code from ElfExpressSignIn:

const doRender = () => {
    const selectors = document.querySelectorAll('.__react-root');

window.onload = function () {
    initApp(() => {
        if (window.firebase.auth().currentUser) {
                .then(result => {
                    console.log('LOAD STATUS', result.status);
                .catch(err => {
        } else {

Load Firebase

In layout.pug:


Pug Files

At least for now, add the following to worker.pug and index.pug. They should be placed just before the code that loads the bundle and indented to the same level.




Service Account

Go to the project overview for your project and select the Settings (gear) icon. Select **Project Settings Service Accounts Service Accounts from Google Cloud Platform**. Click the actions (hamburger) icon for the third item, the firebase-admsdk and create a key. It will be downloaded to your system as a JSON file. Put it in the root of your repository.

NOTE: Our repositories should be private. It would be an error to publish this key to a public repository and Google will probably find the problem and write you an email about it.

Create an environment variable that points at it. The exact code will differ on your system, but it might look a bit like this:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/bcuser/Git/prog272-lastname-2019/prog272-lastname-2043dasdfae323.json"

I’ve put the above line of code near the bottom of my .bashrc so that it always gets loaded when I open a new shell. The first time you do it, if you already have one or more bash shells open, then you need to either past the code into each open bash shall and press enter, or else run this command in each open bash shell:

source ~/.bashrc

Here is how I check that all is set up correctly:


If that prints out the contents of our credentials file that we downloaded, then all is good. If it tells us that it can’t find our file (No such file or directory) then that means we are not specifying the right path to our file. The mistake is usually in ~/.bashrc. If it returns nothing or appears to hang, then we probably don’t have the statement in a ~/.bashrc and need to put it there or else we need to run source ~/.bashrc. (If the command seems to hang, then break out of it Ctrl-C.)

This command can also help you troubleshoot:


Working with Tokens

We are now going to learn how to pass information about the user from the client to the server. We have two reasons for doing this:

  • So we can track the users who sign in to our app in our database
  • So we can confirm that the users who are signed in are valid and have particular privileges. For instance, if we have granted a user admin privileges we want to know that, and we don’t want someone falsely claiming to have admin privileges.

We won’t accomplish all these goals in this assignment, but we will set the stage so that they can be accomplished later.

I’ll show you the code in the next two sections of this document, but let’s first think through the steps in this process. We’ll take the client first, then the server.


  • Add a method called getFirebaseToken method to your project. Probably in load-address.js
  • Pick a method that calls fetch. In our case, there is really only one and we have been calling it elfQuery
  • Wrap your fetch call in a call to getFirebaseToken.
    • In the then function for your call to getFirebaseToken call fetch.
    • When calling fetch pass in the Firebase token passed to you when you called getFirebaseToken
    • We should pass the token as a parameter called token. See the makeParams method outlined below.

I should add that the token we get is encrypted and is not human readable. On the server side we can decrypt the token. This step has two purposes:

  • The decodedToken allows us to read information about the user
  • It confirms that the encrypted token is valid and has not been tampered with.

On the server side we want to verify that the token sent from the client is valid before we perform any further tasks:

  • The first step on the server is to ensure that we got the token from client. Do whatever you need to do to confirm that request.query.token contains your token.
  • Next we pass the token to a method I give you called verifyToken. This method tests the validity of the token and returns a human readable decrypted token.
  • Assuming that verifyToken returns successfully, we are then free to execute the code that we would normally run in that endpoint.

For instance, we normally implement a simple you-rang call by returning some JSON.

var message = { result: 'success',  status: 'bar' };

Now are going to wrap this code in a call to verifyToken:

    .then((decodedToken) => {
        var message = { result: 'success',  status: 'bar' };
    .catch(error => {
            result: 'not logged in to Firebase',
            suggestion: 'export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="ServiceRecord',
            error: error

Now that you understand the basics, let’s dig into the details.

Server Side

Install firebase-admin: npm i firebase-admin.

Save this on the server side in the functions directory for FirebaseAddressMaven and in the routes directory for AddressMaven. Save it as verify.js:

const admin = require('firebase-admin');

let loggedIn = false;

function init() {    
    var serviceAccount = require("path/to/serviceAccountKey.json");
    loggedIn = true;
            credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
            // credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault(),
            databaseURL: 'https://YOUR_INFO_HERE.firebaseio.com'

function verifyToken(token) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        if (!loggedIn) {
            .then(function(decodedToken) {
                console.log('UID', JSON.stringify(decodedToken, null, 4));
                console.log('MAIN SERVER QUX YOU RANG CALLED');
            .catch(function(error) {


Here is the code that uses VerifyToken that would go, for instance in the /address-list route from functions/index.js:

    .then(() => {
        readFile(__dirname + '/address-list.json')
            .then(json => {
                console.log('THE JSON IN /address-list', json);
            .catch(ex => {
                res.send({ result: 'error', error: ex });
    .catch(err => {
        console.log('COULD NOT VERIFY TOKEN');
        res.send({ result: 'not logged in to Firebase', error: err });

We use verify.js on the server side. We call verifyToken to confirm that a particular token sent from the client is associated with a valid user. Note that verifyToken is a promise that returns a decodedToken with information about the user.

NOTE: There is a very similar file, called verify-db.js that uses the init method return an instance of the firestore database. Use this module if you are not using fireStore, use verify-db.js if you do use a database. Since this assignment does not use the database we don’t need verify-db.js.

It is possible, and sometimes useful, to use this code in initializeApp. This way you don’t need to wrestle with the Service File:

    apiKey: 'YOUR API KEY HERE',
    authDomain: 'YOUR AUTH DOMAIN',
    projectId: 'YOUR PROJECT ID'

Here is a link to verify-db.js.

Client Side Code to Verify

Use this code in App.js (isit322) or loadAddress.js (prog272). Note that you may need to write const getFirebaseToken or simply getFirebaseToken depending on whether or not it is method of a React class:

getFirebaseToken = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        if (!window.firebase.auth().currentUser) {
            this.setData({ result: 'You need to log in.' });
            reject({ result: 'You need to log in (env export?).' });
            .currentUser.getIdToken(/* forceRefresh */ true)
            .then(idToken => {
                resolve({ token: idToken });
            .catch(err => {

makeParams = (params) => {
    var esc = encodeURIComponent;
    return '?' + Object.keys(params)
        .map(k => esc(k) + '=' + esc(params[k]))

elfQuery = event => {
    let url = event.currentTarget.dataset.url;
        .then(response => {
            console.log('TOKEN', response.token);
            url = url + this.makeParams({token: response.token, test: 'testParam'});
                .then(function(response) {
                    return response.json();
                .then(json => {
                .catch(function(ex) {
                    console.log('parsing failed, URL bad, network down, or similar', ex);
        .catch(err => {

In the above example, we don’t actually use the test key/value pair passed to makeParams. It is included just as an illustration of how to use makeParams to create parameters for fetch of this form:


makeParams takes an object and returns a string like that shown above.


If you are on your local machine or VM like Pristine Lubuntu, you can preview before you deploy by issuing this command:

firebase serve --port=30025

It might be better in our case to run npm start from the root of the root of the project as it will also run webpack which we need to do in order to create bundle.js. So npm start the preferred method, as it will both run firebase server and also run webpack to build our bundle.

Then go to this URL: http://localhost:5000/

After confirming that you app works, press Ctrl-C and return to the command line. You are now ready to deploy your app on the world wide web with firebase deploy. After it has been deployed, anyone with a connection to the world wide web will b able to access it with their browser.

Turn it in

Run firebase deploy to push your site to the cloud. Submit a link to your firebase site.

NOTE: If you turn in a screen shot for an assignment like this, it is nice if I can read the URL in the browser address control. But I don’t need a screenshot in this case, unless you want to submit one.\

For AddressMaven, I’m looking for:

  • elf-sign-in.html in public
  • elf-firebase.js and FirebaseLogout.js in Source
  • Login and Logout in menu
  • FirebaseLogout and initApp imported into control.js

Add support for prettier and eslint.